Volunteer for VoiceAbility in Bolton

Location: Bolton
Salary: Volunteer Position
Contract Type:
Position Type: Part Time
All applications by 29/08/2024 11:25

Volunteer to make a difference with VoiceAbility  

VoiceAbility supports people to have their say in decisions about their health, care and wellbeing.   

Could you give a few hours a week to help people speak up and be heard? We welcome applications from people who have lived experience and from anyone looking to make a positive difference.  

We're recruiting for the following voluntary positions in Bolton:

  • Hospital Visitors  
  • Service Team Volunteers 
  • Relevant Persons' Representative (RPR) Support Volunteers 
  • Children and Young People (CYP) Service Volunteer

How you can help  

Hospital Visitor  

Could you help someone in a mental health facility access our advocacy services? Do you have the patience and understanding to chat with people in mental health facilities about their experiences there?  

You can make a real difference to their experience and recovery.  

This role is ideal for mental health and psychology and psychiatry students or anyone with an interest in mental health. 

Service Team Volunteer 

Can you help promote services to local people in your community? Can you help at events and awareness raising sessions?  

You could help improve access to services in your community. 

This role is ideal for people who already have a connection to their community or would like to build one.  

Relevant Person’s Representative (RPR) Support Volunteers  

Do you have the patient and understanding to chat with people in care homes about their experiences there? Could you help improve the life of someone in a care home by listening to their feelings, thoughts and wishes? 

You could help support people who have no-one else. 

This role is ideal for social worker students, those interested in the care sector and/or dementia care. 

Children & Young People’s Service Volunteer 

Could you help children and young people in Care Facilities? Do you have the patience and empathy to chat with a young person in an easy-to-understand way.  

You could help a child or young person in care understand how they can get support? 

This role is ideal for students studying children and young people, those interested in a career working with young people, social work students, retired professionals. 

Why volunteer?  

Volunteering with VoiceAbility is ideal for people who have or want experience in human rights, health, care and wellbeing - but we care more about your values and empathy than your level of experience.  

Accountant Ben’s priorities changed after a serious illness. “I wanted to give something back. It’s really rewarding as you get to use your knowledge and skills for a really good purpose.”   

You’ll develop skills in communication and confidentiality, add experience and knowledge to your CV, and know you’re making a genuine difference to people’s lives.  

As a volunteer you’ll receive full training, support from the volunteer team and your local advocates, and paid expenses.  

To find out more click “enquire now”. 

The Company has experienced unprecedented growth over the past few years. We have a vast number of employees, and provide support to clients from all over the country.